Textbook Adoption
The Texas Constitution, Article VII, Section 3, requires that the State Board of Education set aside sufficient money to provide free textbooks for children attending public schools in the state.
In accordance with this constitutional requirement and provisions of the Texas Education Code, each year a portion of the Available School Fund is set aside by the State Board of Education to purchase instructional materials.

Textbooks for core subjects such as math, social studies, and history will be reconsidered every six or seven years, while books for "enrichment" subjects such as theater, choir, band, foreign language, and health will be revisited every eight to 10 years. Books for rapidly evolving topics related to technology and computer literacy will be reconsidered every four to five years.
The funds to be expended on instructional materials are appropriated by the Texas Legislature.

Click here to see a detailed textbook selection schedule in PDF form.

Read SBOE position paper on textbook funding and procurement.

For more information on textbook adoption, visit these areas of TexasTextbooks.org:
Evaluation and Adoption Process   Local Selection   Instructional Materials   Funding